Friday, November 6, 2009

Michael: Composer of Thoughts.

Full of thoughts, and egar to "be", Michael finds himself in a situation most common. Living in a lable filled society, where people can be easily enslaved with a single name tag, Michael struggles to find his place. Currently living under the lable "sandwich artist", he ponders his future. Michael knows the path of unhappiness, and has seen the dangers it can cause. Living a worried filled life is the last thing Michael wants. So why does he seem to accept his place in the world? Maybe he doesnt think it can change, or he could simply be allowing others to hold him down. But what if by accepting his place, he finds happiness? But then again, he could just be taking the easy way out. So untill he finds his "I am" moment, Michael remains unchanged.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Time is Now.

Out of the rut, with open eyes. Rises the person that should've been. While in the company of monsters, he found his path.

Wake Up!

Frank was right...

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009.

Yes, the rumors are true. MJ has returned to the world that is "Blogger".

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 [12:10am]

"I'm SOO Cyclops right now"

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's True.

I'v lost my best friend, have you seen her?


So I take it this means I'v been going about things the wrong way?

No bullshit.

My whole life I'v had that attitude. I was the kind of guy who could get himself into, and out of any situation as needed. In some ways I'm still that person. But as of late, I think I'v lost a bit of that. I feel as if I'm no longer in control of my life...

Monday, June 8, 2009


What does it mean to be "stuck"? The words "caught", "fixed", "trapped" all come to mind. . . Is it really possible to be a product of your environment, which coincidentally set you up for failure? These are all questions Michael finds himself trying to answer everyday. He once wrote:

"There comes a time in your life
where you must question yourself.
You'll say "am I doing right,
or am I playing myself?"

Normally one full of answers, Michael has none. He is every sense of the "stuck". He knows what he wants out of life, but what does life want out of him? Is Michael Franklin destined to be great? Or Is he just another person who didn't live up to his potential? Will he rise out of this rut, or will he just become another example? These are all questions that will remain unanswered. Maybe one day He will solve this equation. Perhaps it will even solve itself. In the end, who really knows?