Friday, November 12, 2010


As the days blend into weeks, and weeks into months. We lose what once defined who we were. At one time filled with wide-eyed opinions of the world, and youthful dreams of adulthood. Our minds are now clouded with the stresses of everyday life.

Gone are the days of playin' in the street.

Replaced by the days of working in a cubical.

Drifting away from those innocent, youthful dreams of adulthood makes the dreams them self unobtainable.

I beg you, keep the kid in you alive. Youth doesn’t need to be wasted on the young. Realize what you have, dream for better things, and take the steps needed to make that dream your own.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today I managed to drive my truck into this guys door.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Michael: Composer of Thoughts.

Full of thoughts, and egar to "be", Michael finds himself in a situation most common. Living in a lable filled society, where people can be easily enslaved with a single name tag, Michael struggles to find his place. Currently living under the lable "sandwich artist", he ponders his future. Michael knows the path of unhappiness, and has seen the dangers it can cause. Living a worried filled life is the last thing Michael wants. So why does he seem to accept his place in the world? Maybe he doesnt think it can change, or he could simply be allowing others to hold him down. But what if by accepting his place, he finds happiness? But then again, he could just be taking the easy way out. So untill he finds his "I am" moment, Michael remains unchanged.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Time is Now.

Out of the rut, with open eyes. Rises the person that should've been. While in the company of monsters, he found his path.

Wake Up!

Frank was right...

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009.

Yes, the rumors are true. MJ has returned to the world that is "Blogger".

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 [12:10am]

"I'm SOO Cyclops right now"